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18 August 2024 - Story

The Red Jacket: A Symbol of Comfort and Resilience

Written by Prachi Aryal

Balika, 11, from Jajarkot, recalls the earthquake as a mix of destruction and anxiety. "The aftershocks terrified me, and the cold winter only made everything worse," she says. With her house rendered uninhabitable, her family had to endure the harsh weather outside.

"I was afraid after the earthquake, not only because our house was gone but also because my parents can't speak, and I didn't know how to express my thoughts or understand their emotions during such a distressing time," Balika shares. Despite the house still being unlivable, the fear in her eyes remains vivid as she remembers the tremors.

Many families in Jajarkot and Bajhang have faced similar hardships. With support from the USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), Save the Children has provided winterization support, multipurpose cash assistance, and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) support to these families.

"I was going through the winterization package provided by Save the Children, and the bright red jacket caught my eye," exclaims Balika. "the jacket is still my favorite, and I wear it everywhere --- its warm and cozy!". For her, the comfort extends beyond the warm jacket. With a shy smile, she adds, “I also like the soap bar we get every month after attending the WASH sessions—they smell really nice.” Her family, previously reliant on a communal toilet, now benefits from construction materials provided by the project. The multipurpose cash assistance has enabled them to cover labor costs for building their own safe and clean toilet. "The new toilet will be safe and clean, and I plan to use the sanitation and hygiene practices I've learned from the WASH sessions," she says.

Additionally, Save the Children has provided educational assistance to children like Balika. She proudly shows her favorite notebooks and says, “When I grow up, I want to be a nurse. I’m studying hard to support my parents.”

For many children and families like Balika’s, a simple red jacket has provided not only physical warmth but also a sense of comfort and hope for a brighter future.

Aryal is the Digital Media Coordinator at Save the Children.