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18 August 2024 - Story

One brick at a time: Women in earthquake impacted Jajarkot are storming the norms!

Written by Prachi Aryal

In the small villages of Sani Bheri Rural Municipality, courageous women like, Tila and Saraswati are not only rebuilding their homes, but also challenging entrenched gender norms, one brick at a time. After receiving mason training from Save the Children and Panchtara Yuwa Samrakshyak Manch (PTYSM), these women are emerging as powerful symbols of resilience and empowerment in their communities.

Tila, 23, the sole breadwinner for her family, has embraced mason training as a lifeline. With a disabled father-in-law, and her husband stranded abroad, Tila’s new skills offer hope amidst the devastation left by the November 3 earthquake. "The training has been a ray of hope for me as I look for jobs to sustain my family," Tila shares, reflecting on the importance of the skills she has gained. Beyond the training, she has also received winterization support, cash assistance, and essential WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) supplies.

Similarly, Saraswati, 27 has taken on the challenge of reconstructing not just her home but also the community’s understanding of what women can achieve. Living in fear of landslides threatening her temporary shelter, Saraswati enrolled in Save the Children supported mason training with a determination to rebuild her family’s future. "I enrolled in the training not just to rebuild a safe home but also to show my community how we can build back better," she says, her resolve echoing the new strength within her.

For these women, the training represents more than just gaining practical skills—it's an opportunity to break free from traditional gender roles and take control of their lives. As many men in the community migrate abroad for work, women like Tila and Saraswati are stepping into roles previously reserved for men. Though the journey is challenging, the sense of fulfillment and empowerment they gain is undeniable.

“There is no other option but to upskill myself and find a job to sustain us in these uncertain times. It gives me the freedom to step out and do more,” Tila says as she expertly plasters the walls of a building under construction. Through their determination and newfound skills, Tila and Saraswati are not only rebuilding their lives—they are reconstructing the very foundations of gender roles in their community.