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18 August 2024 - Story

Rebuilding better for her newborn; Bimala’s story of resilience

Written by Prachi Aryal

In a modest makeshift shelter, the coos of 14-day-old Mamata bring a glimmer of hope to Bimala's family of six. After enduring eight long months of uncertainty following the November 3 earthquake, their ordeal had still been far from over. Their home, once a place of comfort, was rendered uninhabitable, and their toilet was reduced to rubble.

Pregnant and exposed to the harsh winter with only a tarpaulin for shelter, Bimala worried for her health and her baby’s, and the few salvaged blankets were insufficient for the cold. “But then, the winterization support from Save the Children felt like ray of hope,” she shares. Save the Children, along with Panchtara Yuwa Samrakshyak Manch (PTYSM) as part of USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) reached out to Bimala with winterization support, allowing her to choose essential items like blankets, a thermos, jackets, shoes, and a mattress to shield her and her baby from the freezing temperatures. The WASH support included cleaning supplies, toothpaste, soaps, and other sanitation items that helped her maintain her family's hygiene during these challenging times.

"The WASH sessions were a boon," Bimala shares, her voice filled with gratitude. "The sessions helped us understand the importance of hygiene and brought our community closer together. Through the Aama Samuha (Mother’s Group), I received invaluable guidance on maternal and child health, giving me the strength to care for myself and my newborn."

With the support received, Bimala's family has built a new toilet, ensuring access to clean water and better hygiene practices. The cash assistance allowed them to buy nutritious food and expand their small shop, helping them rebuild their lives piece by piece.

"We lost everything during the quake," Bimala reflects, a smile spreading across her face. "But the cash assistance gave us the means to prioritize healthy meals when it mattered most." In the face of unimaginable loss, Bimala's story is one of resilience, hope, and the unwavering strength of a mother's love.